
The Vanguard Award

From time to time, it becomes the privilege of the Texas Ambulance Association to recognize the extraordinary efforts of certain special individuals or organizations that have benefitted the ambulance
industry by leading the way in new developments or novel ideas. This forms the cornerstone of its Vanguard Award.


The Vanguard Award is bestowed at the sole discretion of the Board of Directors at any time it deems appropriate, and covers a wide array of subject matter that includes, as examples, clinical care, system design, research, legislation, human resources, regulations and model efficiencies.

The Vanguard Award is granted only to individuals or organizations that are not directly or professionally affiliated with the ambulance industry.


2018 – Governor Gregory Wayne Abbott
For prominent and sustained contributions toward the advancement of Emergency Medical Services in Texas.

2023 – Representative Oscar Longoria and Senator Juan Hinojosa

2024 – Representative Cesar Blanco

The Joe B. Brown Memorial Award


The Texas Ambulance Association’s Joe Brown Award is named after a founder, Joe Brook Brown from Fort Worth, who served as the association’s first President from 1981-1982. The award is presented at the discretion of the TAA’s Board of Directors.


Alan Guggenheim – 2020

Stephen Stephens – 2023

Aaron Castro – 2024

The President Award


Dr. Robert Stark – 2021

Dr. Robert Stark (front row, center)

John Brian – 2020

Brett Coghlan, Charles Hinkle, Rachel Harracksingh- 2023

Khaki Hinkle – 2024